Dogs on the beach: 1st November - 31st March

28 Sep

A friendly reminder that during the summer season there is a restriction on dogs on the beach - we love seeing our furry friends on the beach, but please be aware of the orange signs placed on the beach where you are required to have your dog on a short leash and be passing through.

In order to protect swimming and recreation activities, dogs are prohibited from these Christchurch and Banks Peninsula beaches from 1 November to 31 March between 9am and 7pm including North Beach. (Unless passing through on a short leash.) You may be fined an infringement of $300. 

  • Spencer Park, Waimairi, North and South New Brighton Beaches: For 100 metres in northerly and southerly directions from the Surf Life Saving Club’s pavilions.
  • New Brighton Beach: For 100 metres in a northerly direction of the Surf Life Saving Club’s pavilion and 100 metres southward of the Christchurch Pier.
North Beach Surf Life Saving Club